Sunday, 21 April 2013

:: Sunday Stash #2

I have had a very quiet week, not heading out anywhere or doing much since I have been recovering. However I did manage to sneak out for a couple of hours to head to GJ's Discount Fabrics. You see, they had a 25% off quilting sale, and it was just too tempting. Knowing the range of 1930's reproduction prints they have there, and how long I have been coveting could I resist?

I also needed to get some specific fabrics for a project I was working on (but can't share yet, it's a birthday present you see)

And they have a pretty wide selection of $2 FQ's...who can pass that up?

Without further new pretties!

1930's Repro Fabrics

Special Fabrics for a special birthday present

$2 FQ's....which came down to $1.50 each :D

And here they all are looking cute on their bolts :)

Linking up with Kate at KateQuilts


Monday, 15 April 2013

:: Sunday Stash! My first linky party

Ok so I realise it's Monday, but in all fairness to myself, I had surgery on my sinuses last wednesday and I'm not really my usual non-distracted, on the ball self...who am I kidding, I'm always distracted :P

We got home from the hospital on Thursday, to a lovely stuffed flat rate envelope from my favourite online fabric store, Hawthorne Threads. I was still very groggy but there was no holding me back from busting open the envelope (although auspost did half of the work there for me, grrr).

Without further ado, my biggest fabric want so far, in my hot little hands!

Lizzie House Pearl Bracelet Brights FQ Bundle
*Happy Dance Happy Dance*

Geekly Chic designed by Amy Adams for Riley Blake Fabrics

Julia Rothman's Type

A whole mixed bundle of prints that caught my eye. See the Keep Calm and Sew On fabric there? I love that SEW much! I have special plans for the sudoku fabric too ;) Oh, and the Bento fabric...and the chevron! ... see, this is why it's dangerous letting me into an online fabric store :P

All of the above fabrics, excluding the FQ bundle, are 1/2 yard cuts. For what I usually make, that's enough for a couple of small projects and a little left over to treasure ;)

All in all a very happy fabric 'collector' in this house this week ^_^ Despite the agonising face....

I'm very happy to be linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for her Sunday Stash Linky Party, my very first of I'm sure what will be a lot more ;)


Saturday, 13 April 2013

:: renrad reboot

So there has been quite a long hiatus between posting on this blog, I can't skim over that fact. But I have been thinking lately and finally decided this blog is going to take a different path, something which suits me. I don't want to fit into someone else's idea of what a crafty persons blog should look like. Since I don't think I am an average crafty person. I won't be sticking to any blogging schedules, and topics might jump all over the place, but in all honesty, that's how my mind works ;)

I'm hoping that renrad will be the product of the creative endeavours of my every day life. For the last 16 months, the only time I get enough time to dedicate long hours to crafting is on school holidays, when I'm not working. From now on I'm going to try and find time to be creative more often. Through cooking, journalling, swapping, teaching and of course sewing.

Renrad is going to be a place for me to share and document all of the things that I love. Things that make me happy. And if anyone else reads it, I hope you can find something that makes you happy too.
